Tuesday, March 27, 2012

February 11th

Girls weekend at the cottage...what a great time!

February 7th

lesson 1 & 2 - after by epicurespicegirl
lesson 1 & 2 - after, a photo by epicurespicegirl on Flickr.

Janet helping me with a photography lesson that I was writing

Alphabet Project - X

Alphabet Project - X by epicurespicegirl

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

February 2nd

366-2-4 by epicurespicegirl

Monday, March 5, 2012

February 1st

365-2-1 by epicurespicegirl

tired out after a hard day of laying around

glimpse - January 31st

glimpseJan31 by epicurespicegirl

I love it when my three kids get along...this is a very unusual sight!

January 28th

365-1-28 by epicurespicegirl

fun in the snow